Hemp flower in the shape of a heart in a hand

Mental Health and Postpartum Depression

Jan 30, 2022Maegen Coral
After posting about CBD and postpartum depression on TikTok, we have come to discover that there are a LOT of mommas out there who struggle with postpartum depression and mental health. It was a lot more than we ever could have imagined. It is crazy that it isn't talked about more. Mommas who have used CBD to help them through it have expressed how much it helped them. We decided to investigate, and found some interesting articles and research we thought you guys would find interesting too!

More than a quarter of women describe their births as traumatic.

In the article, 6 Benefits of CBD in the PostPartum written by Zawn Villines, she says:
"More than a quarter of women describe their births as traumatic, with about 9% experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder after birth. A number of published case reports suggest that cannabidiol is an effective alternative to pharmaceuticals for the anxiety associated with post-traumatic stress. Research on rats suggests that cannabinoids may help modulate fear memory, changing the way the body and brain respond to memories of trauma. This can ease the troubling symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks and anger."

New discoveries of the body potentially offer new, natural solutions.

All of the Appalachian Standard moms in the greenhouse
This plant has the amazing potential to relieve stress. The plant's relaxing properties can empower us with the mental strength needed to make lasting positive changes. It gives us the strength to deal with life's daily stresses. Imagine being more in control of ourselves and our emotions. What a support for those experiencing postpartum depression and mental health after giving birth!

As a momma-run farm, we love and appreciate all the mommas out there.

Mommas work so hard and do so much for us every day and it's incredible! They deserve so much gratitude. We put our collective heads together and thought about all the products we would suggest to our own mothers. We chose Tropical CBD Salve for the hard-working hands, a Balance Extra Strength CBD Tincture to keep the mind at ease, and candy to be a reminder to love and laugh!

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