Source Code Solasta Rollie Blend
A specialty blend from momma's Outlaw Blend Series
Dial in your creativity.
Source Code is a beautiful rollie blend momma made especially for Maegen's Art and Music festival, Solasta! In honor of the stoke-filled dance parties and bumping music Solasta brings to the mountains, this blend needed a special vibey-sumthn' sumthn'... Cue Yerba Santa and Bachelor Buttons. This blend is heady, inspirational, and totally fun; just like Solasta.
Each blend has:
- Abacus: Our beautifully balancing, hybrid cultivar that matches day or night vibes and boosts mood.
- Harle Cat: This seasons harvest of Harle Cat is a true game changer for feelin' goooood. She's one of our strongest babes for good vibes as she helps us unwind and loosen up. Harle Cat is an Indica leaning hybrid that soothes the soul.
- Special Sauce: Our fav babe for an uplifting, euphoric bliss.
- Damiana: The tropical aphrodisiac. Increase mental clarity and boost mood with this soothing lil' yellow treat.
- Mint: Increases mental clarity, calms the nerves, optimizes blood flow and increases lung capacity.
- Stevia: Stevia is a yummy substitute for sugar full of healthier benefits.
Mullein: A smooth, soothing smoke to open up the airways. Perfect for the respiratory system to soothe throat irritations, congestion, or dry cough.
- Lavender: The absolute QUEEN of calm. Y'all know lavender soothes the soul like no other!
Yerba Santa: Said to be especially helpful in promoting love and happiness as it can help open the heart chakra. Plus, she is amazing for healthy breathing!
Bachelor Buttons: The cutest lil purple flowers you ever did see!
- Rose Petals: Mood enhancer that nourishes the spirit, soothes the lungs and throat, may relieve headaches and helps open your heart chakra.
- Ginger: Truly a jack of all trades, but also helpful with aging.
- Cat Nip: Cat nip makes cats super happy, but it's also a potentially beautiful answer for soothing any tummy troubles and digestive issues!
Get inspired and get one of these beautiful rollies!
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